Classic Marketing

Classic Marketing is still relevant, but it comes with limitations, which is why we developed Net Marketing (remember Non-Advertising?) to fill the gaps.

Unlike NET Marketing, Classic Marketing is “pushed” or “force fed” to the public, with little to no consumer engagement at all. But the good thing about Classic Marketing (and what modern marketers need to understand about its new role) is that it increases offline exposure of your brand and can direct your audience to become engaged with your brand online—where it matters most.

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With so many possibilities available in Classic Marketing, it’s important to select the media platforms that best suit your product’s promise and personality. We’ll help you determine the optimal media mix and creative messaging, without overspending or under-targeting—two of the biggest fatalities of Classic Marketing when not used correctly.


Ad campaigns



Direct mail and list acquisition

Ambient marketing (Street marketing)

Event planning

Media buying

Rich media banner ads

SMS campaigns (Text messaging)

SEM/Pay Per Click: Our Google Adwords Certified Professionals bring traffic to your site by identifying ideal keywords and phrases at the best prices. This is a way to enhance your exposure immediately while your Non-Advertising processes work to build long-term organic growth and linkage.

E-mail marketing and list acquisition: E-mail Marketing is highly versatile in its pinpoint-accuracy targeting abilities and call-to-action messaging if thought-out and executed correctly. Our Brandcasters manage all aspects of a permission-based campaign’s content creation, opt-out requests, reporting, bounce rates, and more, ensuring that your E-mail Marketing campaigns are nothing short of send worthy and inbox welcomed.



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Fig 1. Non-Advertising Platforms are closer to your brand’s website as they engage consumers in a cycle of information exchange. Traditional Media pushes in from the outside, moving consumers closer to online engagement and brand nurturing.



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