Archive for the ‘Mobile Phones’ Category

Marketing with Mobile Apps

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

The number of smartphone brands in the market has increased over the past 5 years and new, innovative models are being introduced almost every month. With such trends, mobile apps obviously play an important role in complementing your overall brand marketing strategy. This is why in addition to its SEO services in New Jersey and New York, NET Marketing Consulting Group also offers mobile application development solutions.

There are several ways in which a business can use mobile apps to improve its sales and enjoy more popularity among target customers. Well developed mobile applications can provide brands a ready source of income.

Owning a mobile phone is not a mere style statement anymore. As per a report by Comscore in July 2012, 114 million Americans used smartphones. The number has only increased since then. Indeed smartphones are becoming a necessity for users who like to keep a tab on their emails and access the internet on the go. Mobile apps are also the core components of these devices.  Studies show that mobile advertising is also popular and brands are investing in it in a huge way. The acquisition of AbMob by Google also proves the actual power of mobile applications in the content of mobile brands.

With more than 1,500,000 apps in the market, brands also want to ensure that their applications get the attention that they deserve. Features like screen resolution, colors, contrast and font size play a significant role in the design and development of any mobile application. At NET Marketing Consulting Group, our approach may be device centric or application centric, but we always ensure that the end result gives an application that can effectively engage the users of our clients’ mobile apps. 

A business can choose a certain set of apps but brand marketing also involves sponsoring applications to reach a built-in audience. While creating apps, designers need to constantly focus on the specific goals and purposes the business wants the apps to serve. Concentrating on certain apps goes a long way in helping the brand to get more recognition for offering fresh and new applications. A business can also offer the ‘lite’ version of an app free while charging a nominal fee for ‘full’ versions.

Apps do enhance marketing for brands and are not a standalone entity for them. NET Marketing Consulting Group develops your mobile apps as per your specific marketing goals. We also help you optimize your websites for better functionality on mobile devices.

The Use of Mobile and Social Location Based Services in America

Friday, September 16th, 2011

In New Jersey, Internet Marketing is becoming more and more significant and there are substantial reasons for this trend. Increasing number of people use search engines and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to search for products and services that they want to buy. Interestingly, the use of Internet for searching and shopping is not limited to desktop computers. A recent survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project reveals that 28 percent of all American adults use mobiles for searching and for social location based services of some kind. This implies that they are keen on purchasing products/services from suppliers near their own location.

The survey also reveals certain other facts:

  • 28 percent of smartphone owners use their phones to get directions or recommendations as per their current location
  • 9 percent of Internet users set their Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin profiles in a way that location is always included in their status updates and posts

The results of the survey indicate that Americans may not be eager to explicitly share their location on social media sites but they do use the geological capabilities of their smartphones in a different way. Majority of the smartphone owners use their phones to get quick access to location relevant information on the go. This augurs well for small and medium businesses operating at local levels in New Jersey. Internet marketing can be effectively used with emphasis on local search engine optimization for greater success of the marketing campaign.

Local SEO and social media marketing in New York and New Jersey can be used to connect with target customers. Smartphone features like click to call, location mapping functions and visible contact details on the home page of a mobile website help businesses to direct potential customers to their locations. With adequate search engine optimization, a business can also ensure high rankings for its website in location based results.

Smartphone users make purchase oriented searches. This makes it even more important for businesses to use internet marketing in the finest manner. A professional New Jersey Internet Marketing firm can augment its marketing efforts with the required elements.

NET is a NYC internet marketing firm with offices in NY and NJ. We help our clients through superior search engine marketing and social media marketing in New York and New Jersey. Contact us today for the finest local SEO services to give a unique online identity to your business.


Even the Pope’s on Facebook!

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Last year, Pope Benedict XVI, in his message for the 44th World Day of Communications told his priests to become more web and social network savvy. He said "The increased availability of the new technologies demands greater responsibility on the part of those called to proclaim the Word, but it also requires them to become more focused, efficient and compelling in their efforts…." The theme of the upcoming May 16th event is "The Priest and Pastoral Ministry in a Digital World: New Media at the Service of the Word".

Doesn't that sound totally like a business conference that you may have attended?

His Holiness goes on to say ""Priests stand at the threshold of a new era: as new technologies create deeper forms of relationship across greater distances, they are called to respond pastorally by putting the media ever more effectively at the service of the Word."

Man! Not only that, the Vatican recently launched the "Pope2you" portal, offering a Facebook app, iPhone app, YouTube channel (click here), and Papal videos.


So your boss not quite on the Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, blogging bandwagon? Ask him or her to read what THE POPE has to say. Listen to the Pope, not just for world peace messages but also for increasing your reach and spreading your message using social networks!

Social Media Blog: Social Media Addicted Students – Anyone Surprised?

Monday, April 26th, 2010

A University of Maryland study released last week suggests social media addicted students may be real. 200 students who participated in the study were asked to abstain from ALL media for ONLY 24 hours.

Yes, all media which meant no cell phones, no computers, no television or ipods, and no newspapers (although how a newspaper is media I'm not quite sure).  And this abstinence was only for 24 hours.
The students ended up writing about their boredom, loneliness, and anxiety in what totaled up to 400 pages between them writing about their loneliness, anxiety, withdrawal symptoms, and  dependency. Interestingly,  the study's authors think that the symptoms reported by the students were akin to those who felt withdrawal symptoms from drugs and alcohol.
The study reported that students felt that cell phones and the Internet were "basic necessities" for college students. I think it's a basic necessity for most of us who want to remain connected. I've tried staying away from the computer over the weekends but I cheat by checking my emails on my phone. 

Can I remain unconnected to the world and abstain from "all media" for 24 hours? Probably. But can I live without it for 48 hours? Definitely not! I guess that makes me addicted too eh?

Social Networking Blog: Nokia For Social Networking Ease?

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Nokia's got some cool new toys err phones being released. Yes, Nokia plans to give Blackberry a run for it's money with its Nokia C3 phone which has Wi-Fi capability. It allows easy access to Facebook and Twitter and allows a users social networking updates to show up on the phone's screen.
In addition to the Nokia 3, there are the Nokia C6 and the Nokia E5 – all three of them have full qwerty keyboards with easy messaging capabilities and inclusive of social networking tools.
The Nokia C6 has a slide out keyboard and a 3.2 inch touch screen which can display images from its 5 megapixel built in camera. It also includes free walk and drive navigation and Ovi Maps.

Nokia C6

[Nokia C6]

The Nokia E5, can access corporate e-mail through Mail for Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes Traveler.
According to industry analysts Nokia's phones are priced low to allow Nokia to target consumers in low-cost countries like China and India. So it appears that these three upcoming phones have been designed to kill a few birds with one stone. Let's wait and see how they do when they come out in the upcoming two quarters.

Social Media Blog: Businesses, are you ready for mobile ecommerce?

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Move over computer, you are becoming extinct; well at least slowly moving into oblivion as far as social networking sites go. Comscore, a company which reports web metrics found that 1 of 3 smartphone users accessed social networking sites through their mobile browsers. Facebook saw a 112% increase in mobile users and Twitter saw a 347% increase.

Comscore senior VP of mobile thinks that "Social media is a natural sweet spot for mobile since mobile devices are at the center of how people communicate with their circle of friends, whether by phone, text, email, or, increasingly, accessing social networking sites via a mobile browser."

The mobile social media access numbers reported by Comscore are staggering when you think about it. Over 25 MI Facebook users and approximately 5 million Twitter users logged in using mobile browsers.
Here's some food for thought for all business owners out there:

You know that mobile users aren't just logging into Facebook and Twitter through their mobile browsers. They're doing other browsing too; from buying quick ticket items to ordering food.

Are you ready with a "MOBILE" compatible website for these mobile users?

Social Media Marketing Blog: Mobile TV with AT&T’s LG Arena SmartPhone

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Social networking and mobile TV, the two most touted features of AT&T's LG Arena are coming to you soon. Starting February 26th, AT&T will begin selling the LG Arena with Qualcomm's MediaFLO chip in its online store. The LG Arena will have a 3-inch WVGA touchscreen and also a 5 megapixel camera.



So you can watch live and time-shifted programming from most major networks and their affiliates including ABC, CBS, CNBC, COMEDY CENTRAL, Disney, ESPN, FOX, MTV, NBC, and many more. Last but not the least, the LG Arena offers a full browser through which you can network on Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace.

So what will all this cost you?

The LG Arena will cost $250 with a two-year contract and a $50 mail-in rebate may be available. The Mobile TV is available for an additional $10 per month over the monthly contract that you get for yourself.
The LG Arena is AT&T Mobile TV-capable, which means that subscribers will be able to enjoy FLO TV content from TV channels like ABC, CBS, Disney Channel, Comedy Central, Fox, MTV and NBC.

Hmmm. So my cell phone plan is coming up for renewal soon. Should I get the iphone (Yeah, we're a minority who haven't succumbed to the iphone bug yet)? Or now do I just get the AT&T LG Arena?

Decisions, decisions, decisions!


Social Media Marketing Blog: Winter Olympics with Yahoo Mobile Site

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Keeping up with the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver will be easier with Yahoo's Mobile site, Although it doesn't have video, Yahoo's mobile site has still photos, live results and a complete schedule of all the events. The site also has blogs, commentary from experts, and a robust search function which will allow users to search by sport or athlete.
With big name sponsors like Visa and Samsung, kudos to Yahoo for their innovative approach to provide users what they need.

(Businesses; are you convinced yet that you NEED a robust website to compete in today's web & mobile savvy world?)