Mobile Social Media – The growth is almost predictable!

November 17th, 2009

“eMarketer predicts that worldwide users accessing mobile devices from their smart phones will reach 607.5 million by 2013”. That’s not surprising although the numbers are impressive. If you are like me; addicted to technology, actively engaged on social platforms, and interested in doing everything efficiently, you would understand the growth of mobile social media usage.

The following chart (courtesy of emarketer) shows the trend for mobile social media users through 2013.


I agree with emarketer in that mobile + social makes for a powerful combination for marketers who wish to reach their target audiences instantaneously.

And as emarketer shows below, even on Mobile, Facebook, Myspace, Youtube and Twitter are just as popular.


I must admit to accessing Twitter and Facebook from my smart phone occasionally. Although it’s not my preferred method of social networking, yet, I expect that to change as my schedule becomes crazier and if I want to remain connected as I travel for business in 2010.

Street Smartness on Social Media websites

November 13th, 2009

False advertising by companies on Facebook comes to light in a class action lawsuit that may be shaping up in California. Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff, a law firm in CA is investigating complaints about unauthorized charges that users incurred when they participated in games like Mafia Wars (recall all those pesky FB invites you get to participate in Mafia Wars?) and Farmville.

A while ago there was a story about an Arizona man who tweeted about his vacation plans and believes that his tweeting led to a break-in their house resulting in loss of video equipment worth thousands.

As Social Media websites become more and more mainstream (and they are plenty mainstream already), WE (the users) will need to be more and more street-smart.

Here are some “Stupid-Simple” rules:

  • Think before you post a thought or a comment.
  • No matter HOW upset you are at your boss or your coworker, don’t vent in public because it WILL backfire.
  • Read ALL the fine-print when participating in any games, promotions, or interactive ads
  • Keep yourself apprised news through alerts to monitor what’s happening in the Social Media world

Crime (Greed, Fraud, etc.) on Social Media sites means the need for more activism and oversight through new laws.

But street-smartness will save you in most cases before you become the next victim.

The Vatican Social Media Immersion week!

November 12th, 2009

Facebook and Google are at the Vatica! How cool is that? I knew that the current Pope is progressive and more in touch with technology given that he owns a laptop and even has an ipod.

But the news that Google, Facebook, Youtube, and Wikipedia representatives will spend four days presenting Social Media and its advantages and disadvantages shows how even religion is changing as the digital wave keeps spreading.

Social Media is a perfect way to spread messages fast. It only makes sense that the Vatican may be looking to leverage its power to reach its audience.

I can just see it:

  • Sermons via youtube
  • Tweets about the Pope’s activities
  • Inspirational messages on Facebook fan page

Digital Religion is here!

(I don’t see how “confessions” can happen digitally and still remain private but you know what; some genius will figure out a way to offer “private confessionals”…….)

Control your Info – makes perfect sense, eh?

November 11th, 2009

So the old adage of “the end doesn’t justify the means” applies well here. Apparently Facebook was hacked by a group calling itself Control Your Info.

Their purpose?

A good one! They hacked into Facebook Groups to highlight security issues or lack thereof; of popular social media websites.

The power users who GET Social Media Marketing are the ones who spend more time sharing information or discussing products or services. These power users spend minimal time discussing personal stuff like kids, family, travel, etc. unless they are speaking somewhere or are in the news.

I’ve been monitoring @guykawasaki on Twitter and I find that his tweets (many are repeated; perhaps cause they are scheduled or something) contain a lot of informational link and many focus on promoting his website. But even with self-promotion and his admittance that he hires others to tweet for him, he continues to grow his influence through the horders of followers he has (which are just under 200K followers).

So I think that the “Control your info” hackers had a good purpose to their hacking. But does the end justify the means? Don’t think so!

Facebook Makeover Backfires.

November 4th, 2009

Facebook users got caught unaware when they discovered Facebook look and feel and content placement changes recently. No one likes change even if it is minor and done on a site that is “free” to majority of the 300 million users who spend time networking on Facebook. (Always makes me wonder why free sites still have so many demanding users but that’s the topic for another blog.)

What changed on Facebook?

Earlier this year Facebook created a Twitter-type feed with real-time updates and all the status updates from friends which were displayed without any screening or filters.

This new changes on Facebook has a News Feed which filters posts and status updates that interest you from your network. It makes things more convenient because you see only those items which your friends have found the need to comment or highlight in any way.

Other minor changes were also included which include highlighting things, moving the events tabs a bit higher, and highlighting birthdays to make absent-minded friends remember better.

So what’s the big deal then?

You see something called the “Live Feed”. If you decide to view the default News Feed, a bubble alongside the Live Feed link tells you the total number of posts; so you can tell which ones were not presented in the Live Feed.

The Live Feed keeps refreshing as new posts come in and the screen updates itself. Whenever this happen you have to scroll to get to wherever you were when you were interrupted by the updated posts. That can be a teeny bit annoying I suppose.

The other problem with the new News Feed is that it shows comments from your friends and their friends and so on. I’m not sure yet if settings can be changed to remove the comments from your friends friends, need to check that out.

Change is good and yet….

Over half a million people have joined a group called “CHANGE FACEBOOK BACK TO NORMAL”

All I can say to those people is that with Twitter and Facebook trying to outdo one another; more changes on both sites are going to be norm rather than the exception.

(Not to mention that those half-a-million people need a life; I mean come on, isn’t social networking a MEANS to an end?)

Small businesses may not fully understand social media?

November 2nd, 2009

I read this article by Kristina Knight but I didn’t quite understand her point as it relates to the study. Read an excerpt here:

“Although many small businesses have jumped on the social bandwagon by creating profiles or even branded microsites, it seems many still may not fully understand how social marketing is different from traditional marketing. According to a recent CitiBank/GfK Roper survey three-quarters of small businesses find social networks are not working for them.”

by Kristina Knight

“The businesses report that they aren’t finding valid leads via social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIN and Twitter. Instead, 61% of these businesses report that search engines still funnel more valid leads and in-market consumers to their businesses.”

The survey also found:

  • 42% of small businesses are using the Internet more to grow the business
  • 57% are utilizing company websites in additional ways
  • 86% report they are not in the social space at all
  • Email marketing (28%) and online advertising (25%) are two leading ways small businesses are generating revenue

The question has to be, however, do these small businesses understand just how different the social space is from online, mobile or traditional advertising.

For example, consumers may ‘friend’ a brand or company they like, but this may not result in instant purchases. Despite this, it is important for small businesses to make regular status updates, Tweet daily specials/deals or even create circulars which can be shared through widgets. That way Consumer A can share the information with Social Friend B. In turn, this could net the brand a ‘sale’ from Social Friend B which doesn’t seem to have come from the social network.

Finally, there are the social consumers who make recommendations, Tweet purchases or blog about new products. This one consumer could push twenty or more sales, but the social network hosting the recommendation, Tweet or blog won’t appear to have had an effect.

What I think?

Social media creates branding and visibility. Social media “proliferates” your presence through viral marketing when someone retweets your tweet or when a “friend” broadcasts a message to his or her network.

Should all this proliferation, brand awareness, and visibility generate leads? Absolutely!

But is that something that’s going to happen instantaneously? Let’s get REAL! It takes TIME!

Strategic execution, long-term implementation, and engagement are the three key ingredients to seeing social media success.

Patience people! We just became aware of this “Social Networking and Influencing Decisions” phenomenon!

Google’s Social Search

October 28th, 2009

So I Joined the Experiment! I mean, I joined the Google Social Search experiment. I was curious to find out what the hoopla was all about and decided that to understand it first hand, I should participate first hand.

And I discovered that the whole concept is quite simple.

Google now allows you to search updates made by your friends on the various social networks they play in. To see these results from your friends, you need a Google account, need to be signed in to it, and need to be connected to others using that Google profile. Then when you search on phrases, Google will list results that also show updates from your friends on that particular topic you decided to search on?

Confused? Don’t be. Here’s an example:

If you search on “Beauty Salons in Orlando”; your Google search results will also include content from your friends who are in your social networks, if they happen to be discussing or sharing opinions on “Beauty Salons in Orlando”;

Some people are palpitating over “privacy concerns” with such data being so readily visible. However, remember that Google is showing data that is already readily available in a public timeline somewhere. All this search function does is, consolidating the content and presenting it to you in the form of search results.
Brilliant I say because it streamlines the whole search process and provides content that can become more trustworthy since I also see content from my “trusted” network.

Google Social Search will feature content from Twitter, Flickr, Friendfeed, Gmail, etc. but not yet from Facebook. That’s because Facebook has different privacy requirements than other social sites. Betcha they’ll come up with a workaround soon, no one’s going to stop Google from dominating the search industry!

Here’s a link that will give you more details about Google Social Search:

Join the experiment (as Google calls it) by visiting!

TMI makes you vulnerable to Cyber thieves!

October 21st, 2009

Too much Information (TMI) is a very apt phrase to describe what goes on, on social networking sites. People share everything; not realizing that the information they share is all PUBLIC and visible to anyone and everyone.

Employers are searching social networks to research prospective employees. FBI is monitoring them to find criminals; and thieves are monitoring and actively searching social networks to find victims!

Yes, this was bound to happen when it is so common for people to share their vacation plans, their purchasing decisions, and so much more.

Vulnerability from cyber hackers can be reduced by doing the following:

  • Changing passwords regularly (every 2 weeks or 30 days)
  • Setting web privacy to “high”
  • Being careful when clicking on links posted by others
  • Reporting spam and accounts that may have been compromised to cyber hackers
  • Using robust security software to continually clean computer from viruses, cookies, and malware

But reducing vulnerability from criminals is even more important and easy. Just follow the NO TMI rule and DO NOT:

  • Share vacation plans
  • Advertise that you are alone at home
  • Advertise that your home will be vacant for the night or weekend or for any period of time
  • Discuss girlfriend / boyfriend location
  • Discuss specific plans for movies, dinner, etc.
  • Discuss college campus selection for kids

You get the point. Do NOT share any information which clues criminals on finding you and victimizing you in any form.

Social networking is fun but it can be dangerous too. BEWARE!

SPAM – The New Four Letter Word!

October 19th, 2009

Say the word “SPAM” and people cringe. Anyone and everyone who deals with emails and electronic information feels the SPAM blues and wishes they could somehow avoid it.

I read a tweet today that said something to the effect of “I hate SPAM more than I hate the real chatty person sitting next to me on an airplane”. That’s saying something!

Some more common forms of spam include promoting phishing sites; enticing users to download a video or an application; malicious code or rouge code which provides others access to your profile and personal information.

Since Social Networking thrives on “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”, “friends” on social networks are more than happy to open links, forward information you request be forwarded, etc. And guess what? This results in an instantaneous SPAM infection to others, unknowingly!

Here are some techniques which will prevent you from being a SPAM-spreader:

  • Set your website privacy settings on “high to protect your identity.
  • Think before you accept friend requests – do you know or want to know this person?
  • Limit access to your profile
  • Careful what you click on; links may be dangerous
  • Report Spam to site owner when you encounter it

Be careful out there, SPAMMERS are not always “harmless”

Four effective and interesting ways to integrate Twitter in your website

October 16th, 2009

As social media marketing becomes an integrated part of one’s marketing strategy, effectively using tools like twitter, facebook and the likes becomes important. Website agencies who can weave the components together and make them interwork effectively gain an edge over other.

Utilizing twitter integration tools with your website increases its effectiveness and results in more hits and traffic. These tools will convert your website visitors into Twitter followers:

1.Twitter buttons: Twitter buttons provide a simple and effective way to quickly promote your twitter account on your website. Easy to integrate with around 40 different sizes and shapes, twitter buttons are a must have for any website today. And what more, the service also automatically creates html for you which can be embedded directly into your website.

2.Twitter Widgets: Twitter widgets are a simple and effective way to show your twitter activity on your website. The widget can be configured to show your last few tweets on your website and can simple rest on your website side bar. Effective way to get your readers involved without wasting prime website real estate.

NETMC twitter widget
3.TweetSuite: Tweetsuite is a wordpress plugin which provides for a full featured tweetback service for your wordpress blog. It’ll allow you to track the Tweets associated with blog posts. Tweetsuite has some impressive functionality like the ‘Retweet’ and ‘Tweet this’ buttons. Also, it allows you to gather total conversation around a blog post. A must have plugin for any serious wordpress blog.

4.Chirrup: While tweetsuite works on wordpress blogs, chirrup is a service which can pull tweets from any platform. This is how they describe themselves:

  • “Chirrup fetches all of the replies from Twitter, and sorts them by URL so you can have a comment feed for each page in your site“.
  • What does this mean? This means that even a simple html website can be armed with a twitter based commenting system and gain advantage of Social Media.

NETMC chiirrup
More to come….get Twitter now (No, I don’t get paid by Twitter to promote them, lol)